Questions & Answers

EVO ALL smartstart doors trunk unlock no crank

+1 vote
When I press start on the the app,  sgnal gets to the evo red led flashes dashboard ligths up but does not start.

sn: 001a06289845

firmware: 70.16
asked Jan 29, 2015 in Chevrolet by hank jongman (400 points)
edited Jan 29, 2015 by hank jongman

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

hmm, does it work in 3xlock or by grounding the yellow/black wire of the EVO ?

you might want to also turn off the EVO-ALARM option. also  make sure you followed the setup guide for the DEI unit.

answered Jan 29, 2015 by Robert T (304,060 points)
selected Jan 30, 2015 by hank jongman
3xlock does not seem to be working anymore

tried turning of evo alarm option with no result

yellow black wire no result eiher

What do you mean by not working anymore ? When did it stopped working ?

The 3XLock was working on tuesday

I was using the wrong app (Viper different from Directed App) since then the app works but it is not starting it tries three times and shuts down.

was going to check the setup again and the wiring and do a master reset and sart over again.

If you have any suggestions please advise.


As you said,

  1. Master Reset
  2. Program to vehicle
  3. Enable only the D1 and C1 and get it to work with 3x Lock first
  4. Then activate the Smart Start options as indicated in the this guide :
Thanks Robert and Mathieu

It is working , somtimes when your trouble shooting you start chacing your own tale instead of taking time out and analyzing what worked an what didt not.

Thanks for the coaching


Well said!