Questions & Answers

Disable the horn when I unlock the car in the morning after remote starting it?

0 votes
Every morning when I click unlock after remote starting (I guess anytime unlocking for that matter) the horn honks, and it's driving both myself and my neighbors crazy. Is there a way to disable this on unlock? 2020 Hyundai Elantra, do I need to reprogram this thing? If so I may just cut the wire, but hoping there may be a quick fix to it.
asked Jan 8, 2024 in Hyundai by Arthur Cull (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Is this with the OEM remote? or the rf kit?

Do you have the S/N number to the unit?

Thank you.
answered Jan 8, 2024 by derek g (358,230 points)

Hi, sorry I should've clarified. It's this: "Fortin EVO-ONE-3641 1-Way Remote Starter × 1"



Option 11 in the evo-one remote starter is how you can activate/deactivate the horn honk confirmation.

How do I access the options? Is that a programmer I have to buy?
If it is not you that installed/set this up, I would suggest returning to your installer to have him/her change the options mentioned.

Best regards.
I installed it, but it came pre-programmed.
What is thre S/N to the unit?

Did you connect the horn wire?
I did connect the horn wire, I'll have to check the serial number when my wife brings home the car after work.
A simple fix would be to cut the horn wire you connected.

You can also if you choose to, program option 11, mode 1 using the rf kit and the valet switch as indicated in the evo-one generic guide. this way you can leve the horn connected and it will only honk on the 2nd lock/unlock press.

Best regards.