Questions & Answers

What product to Use on 2013 Ford F150 FX4

0 votes
I have a 2013 Ford F150 FX4 with OEM Remote Start. I want to add an Aftermarket Alarm System, such as Viper or similar, to the Truck. Will one of your Products allow a Plug and Play install of an After Market Alarm System? If one would, please let me know which one would be easiest for an install. Thanks
posté Nov 8, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Tom Eisenman (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Evo-Fort1 would work like a charm.

It will give you remote start and alarm.

You also need the flash link updater to properly configure the module for your truck.
répondu Nov 8, 2016 par derek g (357,530 points)
Do you have a wiring diagram how the Evo-Fort1 would connect to the F150 and also to the Viper Alarm? And with this module, how many wires are needed to be tapped into on teh F150? Thanks
Here is the guide for the evo to work with your viper alarm.
Since he has the OEM remote start as well, is there anyway that the Fortin unit can allow for the convienence of turning on the AC/heater/defrost, etc like the OEM REMOTE START does too?

