Questions & Answers

2016 Ram wont start service #001A06 506999

+1 vote
service #001A06 506999  firmware 74.24  evo all and thar-chr6 with astrostart remote   evo programmed properly  when remote starting  evo red light turns on but doesnt crank or start  ignition not turning on.  evo is not getting ign signal from remote (diode installed as per diagram).   when i supply evo with ign on yellow wire truck starts and runs. yellow wire is also connected to pink/green wire on truck.   is this a diode issue? with diode installed properly the evo wont recieve ign signal from remote.
fermer avec la note: problem solved
posté Fev 23, 2016 dans la catégorie Ram par Douglas Buhs (310 points)
fermé Fev 23, 2016 par derek g

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Did you check the wire you connected to in the vehicle too see if it is a ignition wire?
répondu Fev 23, 2016 par derek g (358,430 points)
thar-chr6 t-harness    does rap connection need to be made for stand alone
no not mandatory
in stand alone truck remote starts
ok so know we know its an issue with your remote start!!

are you using data or wire 2 wire?

If using data what protocol is your remote starter/evo-all set too?
i just flashed to 74.19  truck remote starts now with diode installed as per diagram  may have a software isssue with 74.22-.24  Thanks for the help and info