Questions & Answers

I get to step 5 to insert key the light stays yellow doesn't turn red

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i get all the way to step 5 where i have to insert the key then it should turn red but it doesnt it just stays yellow i when back to step 1 like it said and started over like 10 times still the same
posté Nov 22, 2015 dans la catégorie Ram par Kevin Miller (180 points)

2 Réponses

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Here's some things you can look at. 

  • Test the yellow wire on the EVO for ignition. 
  • Redo the connections of the light blue and light blue black wires. Key data is on the light blue/black wire. 
  • You can test your Can-Bus connections by programming only the Can-Bus. If can-bus programs, connections for can-hi and can-lo are ok. To do this simply release when the LED is blue, plug in all the connectors, and turn ignition on. If the blue led starts to flash , then can-bus connections are ok. 
  • A master reset never hurt either:
répondu Nov 23, 2015 par Robert T (299,650 points)
élue Nov 24, 2015 par Kevin Miller
i see i didnt connect to light blue wires to the harness from the 20 pin harness
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Your connections are likely wrong at the ignition then. What vehicle type and what unit(s) are you using to try and achieve remote start?
répondu Nov 22, 2015 par Bill W (1,850 points)
2015 ram 1500 tip key and evo all model with thar-chr6 wiring harness got ignition wire connected to pink with green strip and the can 1 and 2 connected to the right ones also yellow and gray wires i watched the vidoe didnt everything he did and read the install papers all the step are good till step 5 when i put the key in it just stays yellow does turn red
Make sure you have the LT Blue and the LT blue/black wires connected from the 20 pin to the T-harness.