Questions & Answers

Why does Highlander lock again after I open the door?

+1 vote
I just installed an EVO-ALL on a 2013 Highlander with push-to-start.  It works great except one oddity: When I do a remote start and then open the door, the engine turns off (as expected).  But then, a few seconds later, the doors lock again which is very annoying and possibly unsafe with kids in the car.  Please help - thanks!
posté Mar 9, 2014 dans la catégorie Toyota par Andrew Eitingon (190 points)

1 Réponse

+2 votes
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Hi Andrew,


Do you have the 12 digit service number written on the back of the EVO? I would like to see which options were turned on in the EVO.
répondu Mar 10, 2014 par Robert T (304,000 points)
élue Mai 13, 2014 par Robert T
Sorry for the late response.  It is 001A06 284824



If you have the Flash-Link Updater, first thing i would do is change the firmware to the latest Toyota/Lexus firmware, 79.12. Also, go into the EVO Options Menu and turn on option 14 - OEM Remote Monitoring.


Is the door relocking only while it is opened, or will it only relock once the door is closed?


Heres a test - without the EVO installed

  1. Disconnect the EVO
  2. Close the doors
  3. Lock the doors
  4. unlock doors and wait up to a minute to see if doors relock


Another test- without the EVO installed

  1. Disconnect the EVO
  2. Close the doors
  3. Lock the doors
  4. unlock doors
  5. open and close door
  6. wait up to a minute to see if doors lock


Another test - with the EVO installed

  1. Close the doors
  2. Lock the doors
  3. unlock doors
  4. open and close door
  5. wait up to a minute to see if doors lock


Another test - with the EVO installed

  1. Disconnect the EVO
  2. Close the doors
  3. Lock the doors
  4. unlock doors and wait up to a minute to see if doors relock
Firmware has been updated and option 14 has been turned on as suggested.  The same behavior remains:

3x lock button - car remote starts succefully.  Unlock car, open any door, engine shuts off and 5 seconds later the car doors lock again...  The care relocks regradless if a door is opened or not.  If a door is opened the car will let out a loud beep (as it always does if you remote lock it with a door open).  If the doors are closed it locks them all...

I will run the tests you have suggested and report back the results.  Thanks!

One thing, option 12 is turned on in the EVO and it is not required for this car.

That option as described in the Flash-Link Manager, "Automatically unlock & disarm before remote-start and re-lock & re-arm after remote-start."

This fixed it. Thanks!!!!