Questions & Answers

Evo-all thar -vw3 standard transmission 2011 jetta

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Can the evo-all be installed using the thar-vw3 and tb-Vw in a manual transmission 2011 jetta as a bypass/interface module with a separate starter? If so is it the same wiring connections show on the thar-Vw3 with the exception of the brake vs the clutch bypass difference in the automatic vs manual wiring for the evo all.
posté Oct 4, 2023 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par Kenny Schaffrick (360 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

"Can the evo-all be installed using the thar-vw3 and tb-Vw in a manual transmission 2011 jetta as a bypass/interface module with a separate starter?"

- Yes it can, however you would need a remote starter to go along with it the evo that is capable of working in manual transmission vehicles.

The evo-all cannot be used in stand alone on manual tranmission vehicles. Stand alone is only for automatic tranmission vehicles.

Best regards.
répondu Oct 5, 2023 par derek g (358,130 points)