Questions & Answers

Parking lights flashing even when remote start isn’t activated

0 votes
Installed a evo all in a 2012 Dodge Avenger 2 years ago and it's works flawlessly until recently. Now anytime you unlock the car the parking lights flash as if the remote start has been activated. Any ideas?
posté Mar 13, 2022 dans la catégorie Dodge par matthew karp (180 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Try snipping the park light wire on the evo or unplugging the relay you would have had to wire in (if you actually connected it) to see if it is related to the lights flashing.


If lights were never connected then the issue is not tied to the evo as it is not interfacing with that circuit on your vehicle.
répondu Mar 14, 2022 par derek g (348,060 points)