Questions & Answers

2018 Audi Q5 proximity key unlock, engine auto stop-start, and folding mirrors on lock not working

0 votes

I have recently intalled EVO-ALL AUD2 / AUDT2 and things work just fine. However, it seems like proximity or smart keyless entry / unlock does not work when remote started. I have to press unlock button to get in the car. Also, my mirrors do not fold when shut down remotely by RF remote. Only if I use the OEM fob to lock the car will the side mirrors fold.

Is this a programming issue or something mechanical? Any fixes? Thanks!


EDIT: Also, another thing I noticed is the "auto engine on/off" or "auto stop-start" (e.g., at traffic lights or when idling) does not work when remotely started. Is that common after installing fortin?

posté Fev 22, 2022 dans la catégorie Audi par Dat Vu (260 points)
modifié Avr 2, 2022 par Dat Vu

2 Réponses

0 votes
Pretty sure this is normal operation for the unit but if you provide me the s/n to the unit I will confirm you have set it up according to the isntallation method used.
répondu Fev 22, 2022 par derek g (358,230 points)
Thanks, Derek! Where do I find the S/N?

Hi Derek,


is the S/N only found on the back of the physical device? Any other way to find the S/N besides taking the car a part again?

Also, another thing I noticed is the "auto engine on/off" or "auto stop-start" (e.g., at traffic lights or when idling) does not work when remotely started. Is that common after installing fortin?

0 votes


EDIT: Also, another thing I noticed is the "auto engine on/off" or "auto stop-start" (e.g., at traffic lights or when idling) does not work when remotely started. Is that common after installing fortin?

répondu Avr 2, 2022 par Dat Vu (260 points)