Questions & Answers

2011 chevrolet cruze manual transmission evo all?

0 votes
hello there again everyone,

i would like to know if evo-all(stand alone) will work on a manual transmission 2011 chevrolet cruze?

i see that only evo-one has a wiring diagram for a manual transmission.


will evo-all A5 wire work the same as the clutch bypass wire(A5) from the evo one?

or is there any other work around using evo-all(stand alone)?

i will be using rf642 with it btw

thanks a lot!
posté Oct 3, 2021 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par mervin dulce (540 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
You need to use an third party remote starter that supports manual transmission along with Evo all, or evo one is your guy.
répondu Oct 3, 2021 par Haidar Jabbar (22,390 points)
just installaed evo one with rf642. wokred flawlessly. thanks for answering..