Questions & Answers

How to program Revo 4.1 to the Evo-One?

0 votes
I have purchased the Revo 4.1 rf kit to go with the EVO-ONE. I went to program EVO-ONE with the Flash-Link 4 prior to receiving it. So I am ready to go when it arives. There is no option to select the Revo 4.1 rf kit. There is only the smartphone and Forin rf kit choices, or no rf kit. How do I select the Revo 4.1 rf kit ro program with the EVO-ONE?
posté Aout 4, 2021 dans la catégorie Ford par todd morrison (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Here is the installation guide for the revo 4.1 & evo-one.
répondu Aout 5, 2021 par derek g (358,800 points)