Questions & Answers

2010 f250 Evo-One remote start no blower

0 votes
When truck is remote started, the hvac control (auto climate) is on, but the blower will not run untill i do a key takeover. I notcied that there are two accessory wires on this truck, but your diagram for the 2010 ford 40 bit with can -bus only shows one accessary wire. Do both accessory wires need to be hooked up? If so, is that circut big enough to power two accessories? If not that, is there a setting i missed when seting up the Evo-One? Thank you!
asked May 27, 2018 in Ford by crwlaway (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If the blower is not on when remote started their is an accessory wire you forgot to power or the accessory wire you are powering has a bad connection/wrong wire.
answered May 28, 2018 by derek g (357,480 points)