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2015 Toyota Tundra G-key with 3 buttons Open, Close and Panic

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Dear Tech Support,

I bought an Evo-One for my 2015 Toyota Tundra, the truck has G-key and factory 3 buttons with Open, Close and Panic on it.  I flashed the unit with firmware 79.47, and selected the options C1-OEM Remote Monitoring and D2-Unlock before/Lock after (Disarm OEM alarm) and hit save.  Using wire diagram ver. 20171121 and after i configured the unit as mentioned options above and solder all wires. Follow the key bypass programming procedure, I completed steps 1-4 everything went well as exactly to Manufacturer's procedure described, put the key in On/Run for step 5 the only one LED flashing is the RED.  Also, I noted when flash the unit, the options I saw on the unit are A1-A11, C1  and D2 and no others options like i did the Evo-All unit for my 2013 Lexus RX350 previously.  Don't know what I did wrong but sure do need your guidance to resolve this issue.


asked May 21, 2018 in Toyota by John Du (240 points)

1 Answer

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If you are trying to remote start your vehicle by pressing 3xlock on your OEM remotes, you will need to enable Function 38.2 on the remote starter side of the evo-one.
answered May 22, 2018 by J M (64,270 points)
Was able to enable function 38.2.  It's working now.