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Remote Start Fails Intermittently

+1 vote

I have an intermittent issue with my EVO-NIST1 and a FTX64-2W RF kit. The issue has happened 4-5 times were the car will fail the remote start. The 2-Way remote will confirm the command and give the green LED with ascending tone. The parking lights will come on but the car will not remote start. After about 10 seconds the parking lights will flash 3 times and the remote will give the red LED signal with descending tone. I read in the RF kit troubleshooting that this corresponds to the car not being in Ready mode or being shut down from the transmitter. The Ready mode doesn't seems likely as it's a PTS automatic transmission vehicle. Is there anyway to troubelshoot this scenerio? The majority of the time the remote start seems to work Ok and all the wiring connections are solid. Thanks!
asked Mar 29, 2016 in Nissan by Jared Pearson2 (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The diagnostic flashes for an evo-one and evo-all are not the same,

On an evo-all, 3 flashes means that the unit did not detech a tach signal, since the vehicle did not start, this is normal.

The only way to find out why is to be next to the vehicle when attempting to remote start to see if the brake lights come on before the dash lights up, and if the brakes do come on, please verify that the dashboard powers up,

We need to know if the "no-start" situation is being caused by either the brake not being powered up OR the vehicle is not getting the immobilizer codes.


Thank you
answered Mar 29, 2016 by J M (64,170 points)
Thank you for the feedback. I will take note of those the next time it happens.
It appears my vehicle is not getting the immobilizer codes. When it fails, I can see the brake lights come on but the dash shows the "insert key into keyport" message.

I've seen some older threads regarding Nissan PTS vehicles and it appears this was patched in v72.10. I tried to downgrade but was unable to get my rf kit to communicate with the evo-all. The remote would beep and show green status when pushing the buttons. However there were no status lights coming on from the evo. I made sure the same options were enabled after downgrading. Flashing back to the latest firmware resolved the rf kit communication issue.

So currently I'm stuck since I can't test with the older firmware and the rf kit. The problem isn't consist but has continued to happen intermittently since installed.
What would be the problemif the brake lights dont go taking into consideration that the white red wire is connected properly to the brake wire 12+ which is light green on the nissan 2009 Maxima PTS.

Plz answer ASAP