Questions & Answers

is their any desired wattage for 1k ohm resistor that will be used in dodge caravan2013 for the harness?

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desired wattage for 1k ohm Resistor that will be used for dodge caravan 2013 for the Harness? thanks
asked Dec 13, 2013 in Dodge by Richard Sicat (200 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Hi Richard,


Regular 1/4 watt is more then enough. It's recommended to also isolate the connection with a relay.

Regular SPST relay:

First, cut the vehicles parking light wire, White/Green at switch.

Second, connect your relay

  • (coil) - Pin 85 : (-) parking light ouput of remote starter
  • (coil) - Pin 86 : constant 12 V fused
  • (N.C.) - Pin 87a : connector side of cut parking light wire
  • (N.O) - Pin 87 : vehicle side of cut parking light wire
  • (Common) - Pin 30 : to one end of resistor, other end of resistor connected to ground.
answered Dec 13, 2013 by Robert T (303,700 points)
selected Dec 14, 2013 by Richard Sicat
hi Robert, thanks bro for the help..

I still have more questions , when connecting resistor to wires, does it matter which side of the resistor to be connected,like this side of the resistor where the wire from evo-all should be( brown/white and the other side should be from the van w/c is white/green.. or it works both ways of the resistor?

it would be helpful

if there's a movie clip from wire installation and so on until the job is done.

not to familiar with this ELECTRONICS but I'm trying though hehehe.. hope there's more eAsy way or let's say Just copy what I see on a video clip their doing.. can't find any though..

but thank you Robert, appreciate it! cheers bro