Questions & Answers

Does remote starting affect how my car handles automatic gear shifting?

0 votes
It's weird, I know, but every time I start my car remotely it doesn't shift speeds after "4", it just stays there revving close to 4000 RPMs. I have to change it manually. Any ideas why? Did I do something wrong or forgot to check some option? I used the wizard when I programmed the EVO-One. I have a Push-to-start automatic Mazda 3 GS and installed an EVO-ONE with the THAR-ONE-MAZ3 T-Harness and the EVO-START 2.

asked Dec 19, 2023 in Mazda by Luis RG (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

The remote starter does not affect the tranmission in any way. There is no optoin in relation to the tranmission either. When you are driving the remote starter is not active.

Best regards.
answered Dec 20, 2023 by derek g (357,930 points)
Thank you. Not the transmission itself but the electronics. I think it's most likely my battery. Being on for 15+ minutes drains it to a point where the electronic components get affected. But anyway, thanks for your answer, at least now I know I didn't do anything wrong. Cheers!