Questions & Answers

Fuse rating for EVO-ALL power supply

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I am about to install EVO-ALL for Standalone installation ( without the T-Harness ) for a nissan Qashqai ( Rogue sport in CA ) with push to start ( Guide # 83931 )

S/N of my EVO-All is : 001A07026604

I have three main questions so i can complete the installation :

1- Fuse rating for the power supply of the module ( between B4 pin and 12v battery )

2- Diodes direction is confusing me as the Ignition A4 pin is an output pin which means that Current should flow from EVOALL to the car BCM pins while the Diodes direction says the opposite  ( cathode at top meaning current flows from BCM pins to EVOALL )

3- Which is more recommended for a way of control to disable remote starting when needed ( i cannot have Alarm functions beside remote starting for this vehcile ) where 2nd option would completey shut off the power to EVOALL :

- Adding ON/OFF switch on the Hood Pin A8( connecting other switch end to ground )

- Adding ON/OFF switch on B4 pin on the same line of the Fuse ( connecting other switch end to ground )

Many thanks in advance for your support & cooperation
asked Dec 5, 2022 in Nissan by Ahmed Aboushouk (330 points)

1 Answer

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1- the obd12V is rated at 10 amps, so a 7.5 amp fuse would be fine.

2- The diode orientation is correct, the output from the evo is negative, so it will flow through the diode. If it was positive then you would be right.

3- Yes, add a on/off switch to A8 dark blue wire.


Best regards.
answered Dec 5, 2022 by derek g (358,130 points)
Thanks a lot for your answers