Questions & Answers

doors don't lock during remote start evo one on 07 honda ridgeline and accord

0 votes
evo one remote start works well but does not lock the doors while engine is running is there anything else I can do so the doors will lock during remote start
asked Jan 29, 2021 in Honda by Mohammed Hussain2 (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Does the OEM remote function for unlock when its running? Or is it just the lock that doesnt work?
answered Jan 29, 2021 by derek g (358,430 points)
when starting with remote doors lock but soon as engine starts then doors unlock and stays unlock and wont lock while engine is running,is there any other function like valet switch programm or any buttons on the unit
If the OEM remote does not LOCK and UNLOCK the doors while the car is remote started you need to go over the INGITION 2 connection and ensure to have used the proper wire on the car.