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EVO-ALL Stand-Alone with T-Harness on Mazda CX5 PTS 2013 Not working anymore

0 votes
Everything has been working fine for 2 months then started having issues.


The Car wouldn't start ramdomly and have to remove (-) from battery a couple of times to Reset the system. Then it would finally start.

It has been doing this 5 times now (always when in hurry, with the kids or when -40C).

I checked for the firmware and upgraded to latest revision (my system was only installed 2-3 months ago).

After the Can Bus programming, it flashes Red/Yellow (after blue blinks several times).

Remote Start just doesn't work anymore but I can manually start. When I try to remote start, EVO-ALL flashes 3x (means NO TACH). No much troubleshooting help on NO TACH.

I'm definitely thinking of ripping the whole thing out now (EVO-ALL currently removed from the car). I'm always afraid the car won't start when I get in.
asked Feb 15, 2020 in Mazda by guillaume carrier (130 points)
edited Feb 16, 2020 by guillaume carrier

1 Answer

0 votes

I checked for the firmware and upgraded to latest revision (my system was only installed 2-3 months ago).

That install is one that changing firmwares will just mess everything up. 


After the Can Bus programming, it flashes Red/Yellow (after blue blinks several times).

That's because you changed the firmware and the car does not recognize the evo anymore.



Run it through Dcryptor

Program only CAN, No LEDs should be flashing at the end. 

Remote Start just doesn't work anymore but I can manually start. When I try to remote start, EVO-ALL flashes 3x (means NO TACH). No much troubleshooting help on NO TACH.
I'm definitely thinking of ripping the whole thing out now (EVO-ALL currently removed from the car). I'm always afraid the car won't start when I get in.

That whole install, since it acts and learns to car as a factory starter, starts the car on one wire. The Light blue/black. If you have a t-tap on this connection, remove it, and do a proper splice connection.

answered Feb 17, 2020 by Robert T (304,010 points)
Thanks for your reply.

-Reset done;

-Dcryptor done;

-CAN programming only, Yellow/Red LEDs still flashing at the end;

-All connections are Ok.

Doesn't work! What else can I try?

-Reset done;
-Dcryptor done;
-CAN programming only, Yellow/Red LEDs still flashing at the end;


yellow-red should not be flashing.

Return the unit to your reseller. Somewhere in the programming it was dcrypted in the wrong mode (we have completely different installs for that car). EVO is still good but will not be able to program in the proper mode for that specific vehicle now. 


I would suggest looking into the EVO-ONE + THAR-ONE-MAZ3 solution instead of the EVO-ALL + THAR-MAZ1 solution. A lot simpler to program.



hi, my reseller lockdownsecuritycanada won't take it back.

I tried reprogramming from factory once more and I'm still getting the yellow-red led after CAN programming. everything is fine through the steps all the way to the very end when those yellow-red LEDs keep flashing.

I've also tried downgrading to the original firmware, same issue.

All connections are fine (welded and thermal shrink over). Continuity checks are ok.

thanks for the recommendation to use the EXO One but I'm almost 200$ invested in the Evo-All.

maybe since February, something else has come up to better troubleshoot this...