Questions & Answers

how to disassemble 2018 Mustang key fob remote

0 votes
I am unable to safely disassemble the key fob remote to gain access to the circuit board solder points as outlined in page 4 of guide #76821

the remote IS different than the one pictured in the guide
asked Sep 28, 2018 in Ford by Mark Royer (240 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
open the user manual for the vehicle. It should indicate how to dis assemble for battery replacement.
answered Sep 28, 2018 by derek g (336,040 points)
0 votes
Sorry, but you did not acknowledge that the remote has been redesigned. The link below is from the Ford service site and you can clearly see that it is not the same remote that is displayed in the Fortin guide.  This issue needs to be addressed before I can start the installation
answered Sep 30, 2018 by Mark Royer (240 points)