Questions & Answers


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I have a key overide sl2 version 2.4.3 date 46-08 in my 2009 Ford escape. My keys were lost and got new keys from dealership but dealership said to change code in case some one has keys and tries to use car. That was all good untill I realized my remote start no longer works. Cant the SL2 be reprogrammed to new keys?​

asked Feb 6, 2018 in Ford by Richard Sorg (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If keys were wiped and new keys programmed, that bypass unit (any bypass unit) will need to be reprogrammed.

Here's the guide from that unit. 2 master keys are required.


Little note, those legacy units had a restriction on the amount of times it can be programmed to one vehicle.

To test if it's locked:

-- hold the programming and plug in the power

-- if the red led flashes, the unit is locked

-- if the red led just stays solid red, module is good to go to get programmed
answered Feb 6, 2018 by Robert T (303,690 points)

Thanks if unit is locked can it be swapped with Fortin KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL unit and if so will original wiring and connecters work so I will not have to rewire?
