Questions & Answers

Is it possible to have the heated steering and heated seats activate in Aux?

0 votes
I'm looking to purchase your product and promote it here specifically for the ability to be used through the smart phone. I understand the heated steering and seats are not controlled via data, but are they able to be tied into the aux feature shown in the app? This would be a big selling feature as Canadian winters can be extremely unforgiving at times. If so how difficult is this to do and will it effect the normal push fuction once in the vehicle?
asked Dec 13, 2017 in Hyundai by Alexander Johnson (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The aux function listed in options of evo is generic you must check to see if those features are supported via data. If not they are hard wired connections.
answered Dec 13, 2017 by derek g (358,030 points)
So are you saying they can be hard wired? And if so how difficult is it to have the technitian hard wire them? Just wondering if it's going to be more trouble than it's worth.
Yes auxiliary functions can be hardwaired, depends on ouputs available and polarity/access of wires....Sometimes they are more trouble then its worth.....