Questions & Answers

Why cant i program my keys in a CX9

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Hi all, i have a new 2016 Mazda CX9 Grand Touring. I have the fortin Evo All with the T harness (EVO-MAZT1) for the vehicle. I have connected the Blue/Black wire to pin 8 in the 32 pin harness, When programming the module to the vehicle. Once i get the solid blue on the EVO, i can not seem to get it to go yellow when programming the keys.

If anyone can shed some light as to what i am missing please let me know.

Also, from time to time i get all the lights flashing on the module not sure what that means etc.

Thank you for all your help.
asked Dec 22, 2016 in Mazda by Jacob Hirsch (180 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You are not presenting the key in front the PTS button properly.

Barring a bad connection the only other reason the light will not go yellow is the placement of the key.

Try remove the batteries from the remote and re doing the programming.
answered Dec 22, 2016 by derek g (336,040 points)
Hi hope all is well, I have the T harness and blue Black connected (With a solid connection) into Pin 8 Blue harness. I have taken batteries out of the Fob and still can not get the evo to show yellow when pushing the PTS twice with the remote. I have tried this in many different positions, with tilting the back of the fob upwards etc. The vehicle is recognizing the key clearly because the battery is not in there and it is going to the on position on second push to the PTS. Is it possible that the module is not programmed correctly for this vehicle? I have tried this with many different firmwares and i am not getting anywhere. Please let me know if you have any advise on if there is something else that needs to be connected in order to get the evo to get past the solid blue light and into key programming bearing the yellow LED.