Questions & Answers

When I do a master reset on an Evo One, do I need to run the dcryptor program again.

0 votes
I am installing a Evo One with Crimestopper Revo 4 RF kit in a 2006 Ford Explorer. It seeems to program good until I get to the push lock button on transmitter. The park lights don't flash at this point. If I do a master reset, do i have to run the dcryptor program again? Also with the Evo One, is plugging in the antenna directly to the Evo One correct?
asked Nov 12, 2015 in Ford by Sonny Harrowa (560 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Did you follow this guide?

The REVO antenna plugs into the Blue port and not the Black port.


If a reset is done on the bypass side of the EVO-ONE, you would need to redo all the programming. You probably do not need to do a reset for now. Take a look at the link above first and make sure everything setup correctly with the EVO-ONE to be compatible with the REVO
answered Nov 12, 2015 by Robert T (304,260 points)