Questions & Answers

Evo-Chr T1 can i use it for 14' Caravan??

0 votes
I have a old Evo-Chr T1 still in stock and ran out of harness 4's.  Is it possible to use this set up in a 14' Caravan?  If so, which firmware should it be updated too?
asked Dec 22, 2014 in Dodge by Jesse Hir (680 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
No. Do not use the EVO-CHR1/2 on anything 2011/12 and above. They had changes in the electronics that will cause check engine lights turning on.
answered Dec 22, 2014 by Robert T (299,650 points)
What about 2013 / 2014 Ram gas with tip key ? only the CHAR T6 harness will do Or is the  CHAR T5 can do /
CHR6 only