Questions & Answers

Hyundai Elantra 2016 Evo-One with Standard Key PATS

0 votes

Canadian version with the immobilizer and harness THAR-ONE-KHY2

Firmware updated to latest.

Programing process completes. Yellow LED method

Question I have is....

I'm not clear with what the manual means by cutting.

A20/D4 and A10/D6 from the blue PATS ~ wire....

A10, D6 and the blue PATS ~ is tapped into the blue PATS ~

A20 to D4 is connected together...

Did the manual mean I have to use A10/D6 from the blue PATS ~ wire by breaking the connection of the blue wire from the connector

side then connecting it back to the blue PATS ~ using A20/D4 back to the blue PATS~ ?

Is this what I am supposed to do?

asked 1 day ago in Hyundai by Steven Marratt (130 points)
edited 1 day ago by Steven Marratt

1 Answer

0 votes

You are cutting the vehicles blue pats data wire.

Once cut you will be left with 2 ends:

- on one end of the blue pats wire you will connect & white/green

- on the other end of the blue pats wire you will connect & white/red.

Hopefully this helps.
answered 8 hours ago by derek g (348,060 points)