Questions & Answers

Do I need a to update my new EVO-ONE ..

0 votes
I just purchased an EVO-ONE for my Kia Sedona 2014 (S/N: 002B04246972) and doesn’t have a bar code stamped on the back label just a Qcode and a "Secure Update" label.


Do I still need to use the "Flash-Link Updater" to update or reprogrammed my module? If yes, is my module compatible with”Flash-Link updater"?

BTW, I got my EVO-ONE from


Many Thanks,
asked Jan 20, 2022 in Kia by Mohammad Mosa (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
the module needs to be flashed for a specific car before in use. you need to check with if its flashed, if not you need the flashlink updater and a computer to flash the Evo one and then proceed with the guide.
answered Jan 21, 2022 by Haidar Jabbar (22,390 points)
0 votes
The module has already been flashed for the vehicle. Probably done by your reseller. You do not need to re flash it.
answered Jan 21, 2022 by derek g (348,060 points)