Questions & Answers

Evo all stuck on red led,WHY can not be programmed?

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Well this Evo all was programmed well on 2015 toyota rav4 every thing was excellent, but to make my work nice and clean  I inplugged all connections after main one(my mistake) Did not notice it.  On reconnecting everything back,the evo all stuck on red led.the remote wont start unless the key is in the ignition.tried reprogrammed it the redf led wont change.So I.used an other new module fo the above mentioned car.Now,  I am stuck with. this  module. Is it gone? tried all suggested solutions:REflashed to 0.99 Firmware tried to master reset it,the red led never changed. I have only 2 chaneces more left to be REflashed it.
I am tring to install it on 2009 ford escape all connections done well ready for evo all.I want to know what should I do here? dump it?
module # 001A07232316  updated firmware- version 71.53

asked Sep 22, 2021 in Ford by Daud Suleiman (440 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please follow this information to resolve the red led issue you are experiencing.


Best Regards.
answered Sep 22, 2021 by derek g (357,470 points)
I attempted to follow the steps outlined in answer but could not flash module to 0.99 firmware,  I could see fw but was grayed out and unable to select. any ideas?
Although it is greyed out you can still click it.