Questions & Answers

02 chevy tahoe wiring

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i have a 02 chevy tahoe and i want to know can the evo all work with compuster 7900? also if it doesnt, can i get a t-harness for this vehicle? if not, what would i wire to the 6 pin connector, and 5 pin connector?
asked Aug 30, 2021 in Chevrolet by Daniel Murry (220 points)

1 Answer

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Page 3 in this guide is what is required to connect the evoall to the vehicle and RS (remote starter). the rest of the connections from the remote starter to the vehicle will still need to be done.

The Evo-All is compatible with the compustar RS as long as Option F2 is enabled in the options table.

answered Aug 31, 2021 by J M (64,070 points)
You can also contact Compustar for their recommendation on how their unit best controls the evo-all through data,

They have 2 datalink ports on their units. a grey and a black one.  Ask them which one they prefer you use to control the Evo and which protocol to change depending on the the port you end up using.