Questions & Answers

Nissan Dualis 2013 intelligent key (Qashqai) j10 harness for EVO-ALL / EVO-RS

0 votes
Hi Team,

I am looking into EVO-ALL / EVO-RS to have remote ignition on my Nissan Dualis 2013 (Australian name of Qashqai).

Couple of things I was unable to find answers for -could you please advise ?

1. Which harness I would need - I was looking into EVO-RS sets, and Nissan Qashqai 2013 is not listed in any of the supported model listst for NIST1, NIST3, NIST4 harnesses.

I would really prefer to buy a set loaded with proper firmware and proper harness rather than experimenting with wiring /firmware and purchasing firmware flasher.

2. Would be remote ignition supported with OEM remote/intelligent key (lock, lock, lock to ignite) or I will need to purchase Fortin RF remotes for that ?(I see that some Nissan  models are not supported and you can only use RF kit remotes to ignite)

Kind regards,

posté Dec 31, 2019 dans la catégorie Nissan par Vadim Gonzalez (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Vehicle is not supported so i cannot answer any of your questions.

There's a 2013 Qashqai (euro) listed per request of distributors in Europe so they can flash EVOs and test their own solution.
répondu Dec 31, 2019 par Robert T (304,060 points)