Questions & Answers

detecting remote lock button when it pressed will the engine on?

0 votes

is there an output wire in evo all to detect the remote lock button when it pressed while the engine on?

posté Juin 26, 2019 dans la catégorie Lexus par (270 points)
modifié Juin 26, 2019 par

1 Réponse

0 votes
The analog lock INPUT on the evo-all is the purple wire on the 20 pin connector. However this is normally connected to a remote start brain NOT the vehicle itself.
répondu Juin 26, 2019 par derek g (357,580 points)
I mean if i pressed the lock button in my remote, is there external output from evo-all to tell that the lock button was pressed, so i can use it to start other system?
Not possible.