Questions & Answers

will not start

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HOW TO reset RF-2WT10-SS TO EVO-GM3 WITH FT-D100 RF DECODER light flash 3 times but will not start

but the  doors lock and unlock .

2014 gmc sierra
posté Mai 8, 2018 dans la catégorie GMC par Martin Berube (280 points)

1 Réponse

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This module does not show that the key cloning procedure has been done (Dcryptor) step 13 of the programming procedure.(Flashlink Updater-2 required)

If the Dcryptor process is not properly done the vehicle will never start and give you 3 parking light flashes to confirm that the module never detected a tach signal since the engine never fired up completely.


Thank you,
répondu Mai 8, 2018 par J M (64,170 points)

It was working fin tell I had to change the battery in my truck. Is that what did it? So need to be reprogramed then. Ok I will try that sometime this week..

There used to be 2 ways to program the evo module to the vehicle, one where you don't need to clone the key and the key cloning which is the current way of programing it (Dcryptor Process)


If it was originally programmed the "non-key cloning" way, that would explain why I don't see it on my screen and why it used to work,


I would try to reprogram it using the original way you did it, Page 4 of the guide in the link below(without needing to go to the computer to finish it) try this guide:
