Questions & Answers

Trunk Release on 2011 Ford Fusion with Evo-All?

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I have the EVO-ALL installed with a T-Harness in my 2011 Ford Fusion.  This install has been working since I installed it in January of 2014.  The EVO has been flashed to allow for trunk release control.  However, I have never succeeded in actually getting the trunk pop to work, either on my RF kit or, more recently, via the Crimestopper Teleconnect.  I'm assuming this is accomplished via CAN BUS control.  Any insights would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
posté Fev 23, 2018 dans la catégorie Ford par Steven Krieser (500 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
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"I'm assuming this is accomplished via CAN BUS control" - This assumption would be wrong. It is not done via the can bus. 

On your vehicel you would need to hardwire the trunk release, with the evo-all their is no wire to hook up trunk release. 

répondu Fev 23, 2018 par derek g (358,230 points)
élue Fev 23, 2018 par Steven Krieser
Which options (seat heaters, climate control, etc) can be controlled via CANBUS on this vehicle?  Any of them?
