I am trying to use EVO-ALL with T-Harness as Immobilizer bypass in a 2014 Ford Focus European version with regular key. I followed the install guide rev.20150427 for programming the module.
In step 8, the ignition turns ON after holding the programming button for a couple of seconds as indicated in the guide but RED and BLUE stay solid, do not flash as expected. On the instrument cluster screen, there is a warning message "Immobilizer Active, Check Handbook". Considering the leds staying solid and the warning message, it is clear that the EVO-ALL failed to program Key-bypass and CAN. I tried to program the CAN separately by release on BLUE, Key1 to IGNITION -->BLUE led goes off and comes flashing indicating successful programming of CAN. Finally, Key1 to OFF ---> No leds. I can also confirm CAN programmed properly by triggering Lock/Unlock from Keyless Entry Module to A2/A3 of EVO-ALL and further from A19 to Vehicle.
Connections: 2 CAN wires connected. Yellow/Black (KeySense) wire from T-harness connected to A1 and A16 (both Keysense). Also, Lt. Blue/Black (RX - pin4 of Immobilizer) and Lt. Blue (TX) from T-harness connected to A10 (RX) and A20 (TX) respectively
For Key-bypass, do I have to go the DCRYPTOR way of programming using the Flashlink Updater? I ask this because I think the Keys in Euro spec vehicle are highly encrypted resulting in failed programming of the module. Will DCRYPTOR solve this issue? Moreover, I came across the Russian site of Fortin and the install guide has ONLY DCRYPTOR method, link to the guide is here. Although it's in Russian, I hope you can get a sense of the content from the pictures