Questions & Answers

2016 Toyota Tundra - Evo One Hood Switch don't shut down vehicle when hood is opened

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I have a 2016 Toyota Tundra with the Evo One installed with the THAR-ONE-TOY7 harness.  The problem I have is that the vehicle don't shutdown when it has been remote started and then the hood is opened.  The vehicle will not remote start if the hood is opened, so I know the hood switch is functioning.

SN: 002B04637646
posté Nov 6, 2023 dans la catégorie Toyota par Blender (200 points)

1 Réponse

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This is normal because on a evo-one the hood pin is also the door pin. So when the engine is remote started it sees it as the door opening not the hood. If the hood pin wire is grounded before remote start, it sees it as hood open and prevents the remote start.

Best regards.
répondu Nov 6, 2023 par derek g (336,040 points)
Hello Derek, that seems odd because on a previous Tundra that was also a 2016, the hood pin would trigger the shut down of the vehicle when the hood was opened, and the door pin wouldn't shut down the vehicle since the door signal would come from the Can Bus.

Also, I tested the option in the setting to shutdown the vehicle when the door(s) are opened, and it didn't shutdown the vehicle when either the door(s) or hood were opened.

When hood is detected on CAN-BUS, it will shut down on hood open when remote started. If the vehicle is equipped with a factory hood switch, option A11-Hood Status needs to stay enabled in the unit. It is currently off in your unit.

When hood is detected via an analogue connection to the Pink/Black wire, opening the hood while it is already remote started will not trigger a shut down since this pink/black wire acts as a both a hood and door status.
ok, so there is not a setting in the Evo-One that would shut down vehicle if either the Hood or Door is opened after it has been started?

Also, is the 79.[65] the minimum version to use still because when I was programming it, it recommended at different version (79.59 I think..).?

ok, so there is not a setting in the Evo-One that would shut down vehicle if either the Hood or Door is opened after it has been started?

D3 for door open shutdown. Being a CAN option, it's door detection via CAN-BUS and not the analog input pink/black.


Option 37.2 in the remote starter settings is another option. It will shut down the car on door open if not previously unlocked. 


Also, is the 79.[65] the minimum version to use still because when I was programming it, it recommended at different version (79.59 I think..).?

Flash Link will force 79.59 for that vehicle. I would suggest using the version suggested by the flash link, no reason to use anything greater. If you had used something newer, go back to 79.59 and reprogram to the vehicle. Make sure to reset the module as well beforehand. 


Reset procedure can be found here (it says evo-all but its for both evo-one and evo-all):

Hello Robert, I tried the D3 setting and it didn't actually shut the vehicle down.  However, I will try both of your suggestions and see what results I get.
