Questions & Answers

Evo-One 2018 Ford F150 Programming Issue, Blue LED does not turn OFF on unit

+1 vote

2018 F-150 STD-key w/o keyless. After pressing the program button 8 times red and blue LEDs are solid. Putting key near ignition does nothing, inserting the  key, then removing it, the ignition turns on, then red LED blinks and ready for next step. I cant seem to get the blue light to come off during step 6 without inserting the key, not sure why.  I've tried multiple firmwares but they all do the same. I've also verified my wiring.

posté Juil 28, 2023 dans la catégorie Ford par Krzysztof Czopek (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Purple/Yellow needs to be connected to yellow for that version of programming to work without sticking the key in the barrel.

You can always follow the old method which requires you to put the key in and turn the key on instead of pressing the evo button 1 time per key.
répondu Juil 28, 2023 par Robert T (303,700 points)