Questions & Answers

What is the difference in high voltage and low voltage remote start?

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I have a Toyota Yaris 2019 that is push to start. I'm trying to figure out between the Evo-One (high voltage) and the the Evo-All (low voltage). If I got the high voltage would it affect the car or is there no difference between them? Thanks
posté Fev 28, 2023 dans la catégorie Toyota par Miguel Martinez2 (180 points)

1 Réponse

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Its high current vs low current. EVO-ONE can handle higher loads.


This vehicle requires the EVO-ONE for remote start. The EVO-ALL cannot remote start the 2019 Yaris, it acts a bypass module only for techs using 3rd party remote starters.
répondu Fev 28, 2023 par Robert T (304,260 points)
élue Mar 1, 2023 par Miguel Martinez2