Questions & Answers

EVO All works a few times then won't start and red led flashes 5 times

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2009 Toyota Venza Push-to-start. Installed EVO All and worked gopod for a couple days and then when customer tried to used the remote start, the parking lights blinked and the red led flashed 5 times but car did not start.


SKU #: B-3475-455
posté Fev 1, 2022 dans la catégorie Toyota par Rich Amore (210 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
5 times would indicate hood.


Perhaps try turing off A11 and ensure the hood pin wire on the evo isnt touching ground.
répondu Fev 2, 2022 par derek g (359,100 points)
Turned off A11, and made sure hood pin wire is well insulated and not grounding out, and now it will only start for a day or two and then when trying to start, the Red LED Flashed rapidly for about 15-20 seconds and won't start.
What is the S/N on the back of the module please.