Questions & Answers

2013 Equinox 3x Lock Remote Start Issues

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I have a EVO-ALL (v6) and on the latest firmware.

Chevy Equinox 2013 with standard key, and T harness kit.

Everything should be wired correctly.

I have done the programming and decrypted.

When I press lock three times, my car turns on (dashboard lights up, guages engage, radio on, etc.) but the car doesn't try to start. If I perform a remote start immediately after shutting off removing my key, the car will crank, turnover and shutoff.

It appears to be a failed start (3 red flashes) that I assume is caused by failure to read tach sensor

Any ideas?
posté Mar 10, 2019 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Christian McDonald2 (180 points)
modifié Mar 11, 2019 par Christian McDonald2

1 Réponse

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Meilleure réponse
What is the service number to the module? The service number can be located on the back of the unit above the bar code.
répondu Mar 11, 2019 par derek g (336,040 points)
élue Mar 25, 2019 par derek g
# 001A06 856376
As stated in the installation guide:


Flash firmware 4.12 and connect to


Then re test.


If doing 3x lock make sure options C1, D1 & D1.10 are on also.


I re-wired the harness and spliced together to I also flashed to firmeware 4.12 (this was listed as a "beta" in FLM).

I now can remote start. I ensured that the options were set. I also opted for lock/unlock/lock autostart instead of 3x lock (this seems to avoid unnecessary honking of the horn).

The only remaining issue is timing the lock/unlock/lock seems hit or miss. What pattern and timing will yield the most consistent results? Should I press lock until I hear the horn honk and then press unlock and lock?

The wiring fix and flashing to 4.12 definitely fixed the failed start error that I was expeirencing...every time the auto start sequence has been triggered now, the engine starts up without any issues.
put a one mississippi pause between each button press.