Questions & Answers

2005 Nissan Altima cranks but no start

0 votes
2005 nissan altima evo one plus thar one nis2 and ftx 64 1w everything installed and programmed fine I think I am missing something or someting is programmed incorrectly. used guide 33131 instructions to install unit it cranks very short but wont start tries twice as it should. service # 002B07 134979  I see a note about a D2 setting for OEM alarm which the car has but I thought function 6.2 did the same thing how can I verify if this is my problem I believe I have the lastest firmware as well.
posté Nov 15, 2017 dans la catégorie Nissan par Robert Gallant (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Please try flashing to 4.18 and reprogram to vehicle and retest.
répondu Nov 15, 2017 par J M (64,070 points)
I do not see anything in firmware  or options for a 4.18