Questions & Answers

Remote Starter on 2014 FORD Escape with EVO-ALL & THAR1?

+1 vote
I was hoping to use EVO-ALL for stand alone RS but recently advised it wont work and I need to add a 3rd party RS starter....the Wire Color info for 2014 Ford Escape shows RS connections 42-53 at the Ignition Harness.  Will the FORD THAR1 allow me to make all these connections on the THAR1 wiring without modifying car wiring?  (12V power, IGN1, IGN2, ACC1, STRT1)?
posté Dec 16, 2014 dans la catégorie Ford par raylech (490 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The T-harness covers the main ignition harness.

Just get an RF-KIT. The EVO cannot do 3x LOCK start since the lock commands are not on the vehicles Can-Bus. The EVO can still be used as a stand alone unit though, meaning no remote starter required. An RF-KIT would be a much simpler option here.
répondu Dec 16, 2014 par Robert T (304,060 points)