Questions & Answers

Cranking no start Kia 2017

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Hi sir am working on Kia sportGe 2017 using evo one it wasn't start but am found many defrants colors in wire for Middle East cars like stater wasn't white / orange in other place in same connector white /green and second PTS1  its blue not green but in same place  and I have photo I need to send it anyway still am didn't recognize in your guide 59371 what's I will do with D1 and D3 and D4 I know our problem in red connector,thanks for your patient.
asked Mar 8, 2017 in Kia by mohammed salladin (710 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
D1 & D3 are used for the immobilizer wire you need to cut in the vehicle. connect them as follows:

D1 & A10 Connector side of the cut ems com wire.

D3 goes vehicle side.

D4 & D6 are for the take over control wire cut.

D2 & D5 are not used.
answered Mar 8, 2017 by derek g (336,290 points)
selected Mar 8, 2017 by mohammed salladin