Questions & Answers

2008 Nissan Quest EVO-ONE

0 votes
installed the EVO-ONE on 2008 Nissan Quest, press the OEM remote buttons, no LED respond from the EVO-ONE. The bypass procedure was fine. any suggestion?


on the EVO-ONE 20 pin connector, is A2 and A3 (lock & unlock) connection optional? This is for 2008 Nissan Quest with Key.
asked Jan 4, 2015 in Nissan by Tom Zheng (190 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Yes, some Nissan/Inifniti with the EVO doesn't detect lock/unlock through CAN. Found this out the hard way on a customer's G37
answered Jan 5, 2015 by Grease Monkey Tuners (1,230 points)
0 votes
If no LED is flashing, then this means the door locks cannot be detect on the Can-Bus and 3x Lock will not be available. An RF-KIT would need to be used.

A2 and A3 are outputs to control lock/arm and unlock/disarm.
answered Jan 5, 2015 by Robert T (299,650 points)