Questions & Answers

2007 Dodge Charger Equipment Needed

0 votes
We currently have a 2007 Dodge Charger 3.5L Police Package with the non security key. No factory remote system was ever installed. We would like to add a remote to start and unlock the doors. Can you provide the part number we would  need. Thank you.
asked Aug 25, 2022 in Dodge by John Moore2 (130 points)

1 Answer

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We do not have a solution for that year Charger "police package" unfortunately the current solution is only immobliizer based and cannot be forced to program without an immobilizer system, Also DO NOT attempt to install our products as it may "ENABLE" the immobilizer feature that does not exist in your vehicle which will prevent regular starting with the non-chipped key as well as requiring new BCM/ECU modules.
answered Aug 25, 2022 by J M (64,070 points)